Posts tagged with "sandartist"

My blog · 12. January 2024
Sand portrait
A sand portrait of a family is a unique gift in Korea, where the artist puts their heart and skill into it. Grain by grain on glass, recognizable images of your loved ones are created. They can become a part of the story of your life or love. It's a gift that won't gather dust on a shelf but will always remind you, prompting memories of the best moments in your life as you watch the video again and again. Sandshow by Eva Aibaz.
My blog · 20. May 2023
Every end is a new beginning.../ Sandperformance by Eva Aibaz
Who are we? Where do we come from and where are we going? Life, like sand seeps through the fingers, lying under the feet of a new traveler. We dance with her over the edge of the abyss in complete darkness, but each of us has a light that we must kindle and light the way for others! This light is love wich connecting all living things into a single stream. We rush in it to meet the unknown, but with the hope of a happy journey.... Open your light without fear and become part of this flow.
My blog · 20. May 2023
Sandportrait for Birthday by Eva Aibaz
Ein mit Sand gemaltes Porträt Ihrer Liebsten. Es kann ein Videogeschenk, ein Foto oder ein echtes Bild (auf eine Lampe geklebter Sand) sein.
My blog · 20. May 2023
Queen of hearts ...Ledy Di / Sandart by Evasandshow
A real queen with a pure heart and such a sad fate...
My blog · 09. March 2023
Sandart by Evasandshow
Sandanimation als Animationsform Bei der Erstellung eines Sand-Animationsfilms werden auf einer von vorne oder hinten beleuchteten Glasplatte oder einem Leuchttisch einzelne Bilder aus Sand erstellt. Diese Einzelbilder werden aufgenommen und später zu einer Filmsequenz zusammengesetzt.
My blog · 09. March 2023
Shortparis in Sandart
What will remain after us ... A. Mayakovsky once lived. He lived brightly and relatively not long, but after him there was poetry in which he expressed his ideas and feelings. How important is it ? Who now remembers him, knows him by sight, reads his poems? Time erases everything, but those sparks that reach us from the fire of talent that once burned with life can warm and kindle in us the desire to live and create. This is probably the most important thing...
My blog · 23. January 2023
My Russia in prison / SAND ART AIBAZ
It is not possible to observe what is happening with Russia without shuddering. People would go crazy and demand constant sacrifice offerings. And those few who remained in their right mind have already left the country or are afraid to give their voice in an environment of total control and complete lawlessness! The police in Russia are working to suppress liberal opinions . Beats and humiliates its citizens. All the judges are bought and there is nowhere to complain.
My blog · 24. October 2022
Sand Bilder
The idea of saving sand paintings, of course, came to my mind long ago, but it took a long time to find the most convenient way to do this. Creating a custom-made sand painting consists of several stages: 1) Creating a sketch from a photo. 2) Drawing a picture in the sand. 3) Fixing sand with a special compound. 4) Cover the finished painting with resin. 5) Securing the sand painting to the light panel. The whole process of creating a sand painting takes from 1 to 2 weeks.
My blog · 20. September 2022
Mermaid / Eva sandshow
"Wish i could be part of this world..." I think it sounds very symbolic. Just as the little mermaid dreamed of becoming a part of the human world by gaining legs, millions of people on our planet still fight every day for their rights to be equal regardless of skin color, gender and any other belonging that is a minority in modern society.
My blog · 25. June 2022
Ernst Deutsch Theater
An diesem Wochenende habe ich mit einem tollen Tanzteam ( Tanzbrücke Hamburg) eine Sandshow im Theater Ernst Deutsch Theatr gemacht. Eine außergewöhnliche Reise von den Filmklassikern über beliebte Fernsehserien bis hin zu modernen Filme. Ich malte 7 Sandbilder zur Musik von Arcestra, begleitet von Tänzen.

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Aibaz show

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